June 4, 2019
The energy sector is on its way to a lower carbon energy future.
As the least emitting fossil fuel, natural gas is the suitable available choice, in particular for transportations (maritime and heavy road transport) and for balancing the electricity grid through the flexibility of the gas fired powerplants.
LNG, the liquified natural gas, is essential in helping clean energy transitions and the security of supply. Besides being a clean and reliable fuel, LNG has also the advantage of being transportable by sea, contributing to the security of supply and diversification of the supply sources.
The rapid growth of the LNG worldwide market is transforming how natural gas is transported and traded around the globe and in Europe which remains a key market.
GIE releases the LNG map and database 2019
Over the last year, LNG receiving capacities continued to be developed. Beginning of 2019, operational regasification capacities are above 240 bcm/y in Europe (212 bcm/y in EU, that is almost 50% af EU gas demand), not to mention the capacities under construction (9 bcm/y in EU), nor the planned ones, some of which should be decided this year.
Covering the operational, under construction and planned LNG receiving terminals in Europe, along with the nearby liquefaction plants, the GIE LNG Map 2019 and associated database provide a compact updated overview of LNG infrastructure, being a reliable source of information for the LNG business and contributing to enhanced transparency of the gas market.
The map is available for download here . Printed versions of the map can be ordered online .
Press contact:
Gabrielle Lelievre
Communication Advisor
T +32 478 78 34 83